
Find a Renal Kidney Dietitian

Managing Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a journey that requires careful attention to many aspects of your health, and diet is one of the most important factors. A proper diet can help slow the progression of the disease, reduce symptoms, and improve your overall quality of life. However, CKD nutrition can be highly individualized and […]

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CKD and Anemia – Deciphering your anemia labs

If you have Chronic Kidney Disease, you probably get a lot of labwork done, and one piece of that labwork is your Complete Blood Count. Doctors use the Complete Blood Count for a variety of reasons, including to check and see if you may be anemic and get clues as to why. If you want

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kidney friendly oatmeal

Oatmeal and Kidney Disease

Oatmeal is a popular breakfast food that is easy to make, filling, and full of nutritional benefits. However, people with chronic kidney disease will need to keep in mind some additional considerations when choosing a type of oatmeal to buy. Is oatmeal good for kidneys? Yes! Oatmeal can be very kidney friendly. Oatmeal is a

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kidney friendly low sodium cookies

Kidney Friendly Cookies You Can Buy

Cookies are one of my favorite foods, and I’m sure I’m not alone. If you’re looking for low sodium, low phosphorus, and low potassium store-bought cookies, then you’ve come to the right place! Are cookies kidney friendly? Cookies are typically low in protein, and judging by the long lists I have below, you can easily

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Best salad dressing for kidney disease best salad dressing for ckd best salad dressing for dialysis low sodium salad dressing

Salad Dressing for CKD: What to look for and brands to try

Eating more vegetables is something that everyone probably needs to do (myself included!), but especially people with kidney disease. One way to make eating vegetables more enjoyable is to dip them into a delicious, flavorful kidney friendly salad dressing or dip. Keep reading to find the best salad dressing for kidney disease! What makes a

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is peanut butter good for kidneys?

Is Peanut Butter Good for Kidney Disease?

Peanut butter is hands down one of my favorite foods – both personally and for people with kidney disease. I’m going to start this post off by answering some FAQs about peanut butter, and then wrap up with some additional reasons why peanut butter is AMAZING. How much protein is in peanut butter? One serving

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best yogurt for kidney disease

Yogurt & Kidney Disease: Your best options and why

Yogurt is a popular food item in many households. You can eat it on it’s own or use it as an ingredient in a lot of recipes. If you have chronic kidney disease, you may be wondering if you can continue to enjoy yogurt in your daily diet, and the answer to that is….probably, but

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Kidney Friendly Milk: Your Guide to Choosing the Best Milk for CKD

Milk is a common food item in many people’s household. It goes well with CKD Friendly Cereals or can be used to make other dishes like oatmeal. If you like to bake, you may need to use milk in your recipes (hello Blueberry Muffins!). However, finding a kidney friendly milk can be tricky for people

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Gout and Chronic Kidney Disease- Impact of MSG

Gout is a very common condition in people with CKD, and there are several nutritional factors that play a role. One nutritional factor that does not always get much attention is monosodium glutamate (MSG). What is gout? Gout is a condition that is sometimes also called monosodium urate crystal deposition disease. It occurs when crystals

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Low Phosphorus Hamburger Buns

Low Phosphorus Hamburger Buns

Make your burgers as kidney friendly as possible by choosing a low phosphorus hamburger bun – plus some additional tips for make the most kidney friendly burger possible. Do hamburger buns have phosphorus? Yes, all hamburger buns will contain some amount of phosphorus. However, many hamburger buns also contain phosphorus additives, which can be particularly

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