Vitamins and Supplements

vitamin c and ckd

Vitamin C and CKD: Too much of a good thing?

What is Vitamin C? Vitamin C is an essential vitamin that plays many important roles in our body. Vitamin C is well known for it’s role in supporting the immune system and helps to stimulate white blood cells that help fight infections. Vitamin C also helps with wound healing, which is especially important for people […]

Vitamin C and CKD: Too much of a good thing? Read More »

causes of low iron levels in CKD

Why do people with CKD have low iron?

Iron deficiency anemia is a common problem for people with CKD or Chronic Kidney Disease. According to one published study, anywhere from 8.4% of people with Stage 1 CKD and 53.4% of people with Stage 5 CKD have anemia. In another study, more than half of the men were found to have low iron and

Why do people with CKD have low iron? Read More »

Vitamin D and CKD and Diabetes

Vitamin D and CKD

What is Vitamin D? Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that plays many vital roles in the body. Vitamin D is most well known for helping improve your body’s ability to absorb calcium and build strong bones. It also helps your body regulate calcium and phosphorus levels and helps support a healthy immune system. What

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